Amanda's environmental and sustainability education prepared her in understanding how humans negatively impact the environment. Working in the corporate world, however, showed her that we often do not have agency around our life. Years of environmental studies, teachings from wise elders, and a culmination of many life lessons helped bring Amanda to the human and nature-centered life she now lives.
Utilizing practical and emotional guidance, Amanda supports people through their grief process and helps them gain an understanding of how we fit in the larger ecosystem. Amanda regularly facilitates online grief groups and guides people through the active dying process. She made this transition after recognizing that people need to care about and for each other and themselves in order to care for the environment. She is a trained and practical end-of-life specialist, hospice volunteer and Acupuncture (Seitai Shinpo) Apprentice and believes strongly that living in community is the way to improve the environment and self-worth.
You can connect with Amanda here.