Free 7-Day Pass Opt-in Bar

Turn website visitors into leads by offering a free 7-day membership

Free 7-Day Membership Opt-in Bar

Fitness & Health

Get New Leads


The Free 7-Day Membership Opt-in Bar Campaign is a simple technique to turn more of your website visitors into leads.

The opt-in bar appears when visitors lands on your website. The bar sticks to the top of each page as they scroll down them. The bar displays a bold, action-statement headline and call-to-action button to sign up for a free 7-day membership to your fitness center.

When visitors click the call-to-action button on the opt-in bar, they’re taken to the page on your website where people can sign up for a free trial membership.


The Free 7-Day Membership Opt-in Bar Campaign has 3 steps:
fitness membership opt-in bar
Step 1: A person visits your website

A person lands on your website and the opt-in bar is triggered.

fitness membership opt-in bar
Step 2: Opt-in Bar

The opt-in bar appears at the top of the page and sticks there as the person scrolls down the page. The visitor clicks on the call-to-action button on the opt-in bar and is taken to your free-trial membership signup page.

fitness membership opt-in bar
Step 3: Visitors are taken to your Free Trial Membership page

After the visitor clicks the button in the opt-in bar, they’re taken to your the free-trial membership page on your website where they can signup for a free trial membership to your fitness centre.

A person visits your website

When visitors land on your website, the Free 7-Day Membership Opt-in Bar is triggered.

Here’s how it works:

First, add the Wishpond Tracking Code to your website. The code tracks when people visit pages on your website. When a person visits a page, the code triggers the opt-in bar and it appears at the top of the page.

The bar doesn’t cover up anything on your pages. It sits above the nav bar on your website so visitors still have access to everything.

Step 2: Opt-in Bar

The bar appears at the top of the page. It’s simple and bold, making it easy for visitors to quickly scan it. Visitors click the call-to-action button and are sent to your free-trial membership signup page.

Opt-in Bar Breakdown
fitness membership opt-in bar
fitness membership opt-in bar

This headline is a simple action statement. It makes it easy for visitors to quickly scan and digest.

Call-to-Action Button

This button is framed as an action statement to drive visitors to sign up for a free-trial membership.

Step 3: Visitors are taken to your Free-Trial Membership page

People click on the call-to-action button on the opt-in bar and are then taken to the free-trial membership signup page on your website. You can set the button to link to any page on your website where people can sign up for a free trial membership.

Free-Trial memberships are the best way to get new leads and customers for your fitness centre: They bring people in to experience it, and allows you to meet with them in person to sell them a full membership.

How to Create this Campaign in Wishpond

The Free 7-Day Membership Opt-in Bar Campaign is available free on all plans in Wishpond. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Sign up for a Wishpond account.
  2. Select Fitness & Health as your Industry
  3. In the Campaigns Dashboard, click View More, scroll down and choose Free 7-Day Membership Opt-in Bar. This will take you to Wishpond’s Drag-and-Drop Campaign Builder. There, you can edit the Opt-in Bar. It will look the same as it does above, and you’ll be able to edit and style it however you like.
  4. Publish the Opt-in Bar on all pages of your website

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